Best Bluetooth Headphones Under $25 in 2022 | TUINYO TU-816 Vs TP-19 | Foldable | Micro SD Card & FM Radio
TUINYO Over Ear Stereo Wireless Headphones TU-816 Vs TP-19
So Friends welcome to, so today we talk about best Bluetooth headphones under $25 and the video is made in February 2022 so on the left hand side you see TUINYO TU-816 and on the right-hand side you are able to see TUINYO TP-19 now why I have selected these two headphones there are two reasons one is both have got very high rating 4.5 star rating and almost more than 8,000 to 10,000 reviews that is the reason I have selected them both are priced at dollar 25 so it’s very important to know what are the differences and which one of them you will select by spending 25 dollars okay so TUINYO
TU-816 has got 8,500 ratings 4.5 star and TUINYO
TP-19 has got 10,950 ratings 4.5 stars so which one is a best Bluetooth headphone in $25 let us see
so both are looking good I am just adding this slide so that you can see the how it looks when it is wear so these are over ear headphones and both are wireless
COLOR Choices
let’s go with the color choices so these are the color choices
so the colors for TU-816 are black, gray, purple, red, apricot, light blue, silver blue and rose gold
so the colors for TP-19 are black, black red, white black, blue, dark blue, dark gray and rose gold
What’s inside BOX?
what’s go in the packet so what you get is the in both cases a nice protection box the headphones the audio cable, because both can be operated wired and wireless and a USB charging cable okay so here there is not much difference both are foldable I’m just showing you the pictures both are foldable so they can be packed inside the box easily
both can be operated in wired as well as wire wireless mode so what is important when it is the battery is fully discharged you will be able to go wired mode also that’s important both has got that feature so when you are traveling in case the headphones get discharged don’t worry about that okay
What is the difference in TUINYO TU-816 Vs TP-19?
now here comes the first difference the TUINYO TU-816 has got especially micro SD or TF card slot what it means that you will be able to store the songs what you like inside the headphone which TP-19 do not have so this is a major difference I will say.
Both have got built-in microphone so you’ll be able to make a calls the multi-function button and the TP-19 has got one more additional button which is the equalizer button so you’ll be able to use that to tune up your sound profile that’s a very good thing.
But again in TU-816 you have got MP3 and FM mode what it means that you will be able to play FM songs too so which is good actually so like TU-816 in the same price you are getting multi-functions of course the looks wise the TP-19 looks more richer that’s true
TUINYO TU-816 Vs TP-19 Battery Life
coming to the battery life TU-816 has got only 25 hours of battery life whereas TP-19 has got 35 hours of battery life what it means that TP-19 will last long almost by 10 hours which is good
So if you are very much freaky about the battery life then you have to go for TP-19,
but if you want a built-in play facility MP3 FM mode and micro-SD card slot then you should go for TU-816.

TUINYO TU-816 Vs TP-19 battery life
TUINYO TU-816 Vs TP-19 Final Words
So I think that’s all folks these are the small differences again you can see there are visual differences aesthetics is always important for many people so by looking at the headphones you will be able to select which one you like personally and if at all you want to buy any one of these then please use these links which are given on the screen the same links are copied to the video description also so that will help me growing this channel thank you so much and bye for now
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