I was so frustrated when my Roku remote stopped working! Its like becoming deaf and dumb for a moment!! So I began searching for solutions starting from Roku official website, finally I could get through the issue after trying hard on many solutions given on many websites. So decided to put them down in a single place if your ROKU Remote Not Working? [Finally Resolved] 2020
STEP 1 – Finding type of Roku Remote you have
Note – If you are already aware of type of Remote please move on to STEP 2 for IR remote and STEP 3 for Point-Anywhere remote.
How to check type of Roku remote you are using?
There are TWO types of remote Roku uses 1) Standard IR (infrared) remote and 2) Enhanced “point-anywhere” remote. A standard IR remote will not have a “pairing” button in the battery compartment is a simplest way to confirm type of Roku remote.
Roku Models with IR Remote
- Roku LT
- Roku HD, XD, XDS
- Roku N1
- Roku 1
- Roku 2
- Roku 2 HD, XD, XS
- Roku 3
- Roku Express
- Roku Express+
Roku models with Enhanced, Point Anywhere, Voice, and Gaming remote
- Roku Streaming Stick (Model 3600 and 3800)
- Roku Streaming Stick+
- Roku 4
- Roku Premiere
- Roku Premiere+
- Roku Ultra
- Roku 2 (Model 4210)
STEP 2 – Roku IR remote NOT WORKING (Roku infrared remote) [Resolved]
InfraRed called as IR remotes uses invisible light source to send signals to the Roku receiver.
Although this is cheapest technology used in remote controls it has its own limitations like can be used only for short distance as well as it can’t tolerate any obstructions in between the transmitter (remote) and receiver.
So simply make sure that you are pointing the remote exactly to the Roku receiver like shown in above image guide and make sure that nothing is blocking the signal in between like furniture not even a piece of paper!
Another reason is weak signal from remote – means weak or dead batteries.
Step-by-Step guide to resolve IR remote not working (solved)
Clean the remote and receiver
- First thing to do is clean the Roku remote IR window area and the receiver IR window, it might be dusty or something stuck which is blocking the signal transmission or receipt. This is the most simple thing and works in 50% of cases 🙂
Check location of receiver
- Most common issue is receiver is unable to receive signals, so location of receiver is also important
- If the receiver is located inside a box below or above TV set then move it in such a way that your remote is able to see the receiver easily
- If the receiver is hidden by the TV then you need to move it to such a location that the signal is not interrupted at any angle from the sitting location.
Point correctly and check for any obstructions to signal transmission
- Just look at the image guide above which shows that the Roku Remote and Roku receiver shall be able to see each other without any obstruction.
Any obstruction literally means anything like even a piece of paper lying in front of Roku receiver which may be creating a small obstruction.
Simply try the following (even though you may feel it like a stupid!)- Make sure that the Roku receiver is visible to you.
- Now hold the remote higher above your head and point downwards towards the roku receiver device. If this doesn’t work ….
- Move the Roku remote from left to right, still pointing towards the Roku receiver device. If remote starts working then problem is due to obstruction in front of receiver.
- Just look at the image guide above which shows that the Roku Remote and Roku receiver shall be able to see each other without any obstruction.
Check the batteries
- Still issue persist? then most common problem is dead or weak batteries.
- As a first step, remove the batteries and re-insert them by changing locations as well as cleaning the battery tips.
- If still problem persist and remote does not respond, then it may be time to replace the battries.
- Replace batteries with NEW fresh packed batteries in your remote.
Nothing above worked ! Then its a time for a new remote
- Sorry, but if all above actions fail then you may need to replace your remote.
- Only make sure that new ordered remote is compatible with your Roku device.
STEP 3 – Roku Point Anywhere remote NOT WORKING [Resolved]
As compare to IR remote the Point-Anywhere Roku remote do not need you to have the receiver device in line of sight, however there is a hitch!
The Point-Anywhere Roku remote works by connecting to the WiFi network that you are using (the same one which you are using for your TV set)
So in this case the receiver device can be located anywhere, making sure that it receives the WiFi signal for working. (Even behind the TV set is okay)
So to establish a connection with the receiver, first thing to do is Pairing with remote and receiver, after which you will be able to use this point-anywhere remote from anywhere in home from where the remote can connect to the WiFi.
Step-by-Step guide to resolve Point-Anywhere remote or Roku Enhanced Remote not working (solved)
Follow these simple instruction step-by-step guide to resolve the issues …
Restart / Reboot – Perform a factory reset on the Roku box
- For electronics the most simplest way is to shut down and restart, most common software issues get resolved by this method.
- So first start by restarting the Roku remote. To do this all you have to do is open the battery compartment, remove the batteries and wait for the next step.
- Now its time to reboot the receiver device, to do this, simply remove the power cable from your Roku receiver device, wait for about 5-10 seconds and now re-connect the power cable. This type is called hard restart, but this works in most of the cases.
- Now wait till the Roku receiver device displays the home screen, Now its time to reinsert the batteries in your Roku remote.
- Wait for about 30 seconds, so that the remote reboots and re-establishes a connection with your Roku receiver device.
Un-pair / Re-pair the remote to receiver
- Follow all instructions given in step ONE above to reboot the remote and receiver device.
- After you insert batteries in remote, press and hold the pairing button inside the battery compartment of your remote for about 3 seconds OR until you see the pairing light on the remote begin to flash.
Note – If the light does not flash, try again. If the light still does not flash, then its time to replace the batteries - Wait for 30 seconds while the remote reconnects to the Roku receiver device via WiFi network.
- During this process you will see the remote pairing dialog on your TV screen.
Dead batteries
- If none of above things work then the cause will be weak or dead batteries in remote control
- Weak batteries – Open the battery compartment, remove the batteries and reinsert them, check if the remote repairs with receiver device and start working, if not the time is to replace them.
- Replace the batteries and repeat process given in step number 2 to pair remote with receiver device via WiFi network.
Hardwired connection with HDMI- Applicable ONLY for Streaming Stick & Stick+
- If you have connected your Roku Streaming Stick or Roku Streaming Stick+ to your TV using an HDMI cable, in that case there are chances that wireless interference from the HDMI connector is causing issues with your Roku remote!
- In this case, you can try moving receiver away from the HDMI connector on your TV by using an extension cable to connect your Streaming Stick to your TV. The extension cable is available for FREE with streaming stick or get in touch with Roku Customer Support to order the extension cable or buy it online.
Change WiFi network settings to 5 GHz
- WiFi networks work on different frequency bands, and there are chances that your frequency is interfering with that of your neighbors WiFi network creating problems of remote operation.
- If that so, then try changing your WiFi router shifting on using 5 GHz.
- To do so, Go to WiFi router to change settings to 5 GHz then goto Roku device – Settings > Network > Set up connection > Wireless and connect your Roku device to the 5 GHz wireless network (e.g., My_Home_Network_5GHz).
- You may need to take help from Router manual to do this or ask for customer support.
- Note: Channels 1 to 14 are designated in the 2.4 GHz range.
Nothing above worked ! Then its a time for a new remote
- Sorry, but if all above actions fail then you may need to replace your remote.
- Only make sure that new ordered remote is compatible with your Roku device.
Roku Remote Is Lost or Broken What to Do?
I don’t want to buy a new ROKU IR remote, what to do?
Most of modern mobile phones have IR capability, like even the cheap MI phones do have it.
In such a case the mobile phones do have their own IR app, which allows you to automatically tune the mobile to available IR devices like TV, Air conditioner, Set top box or even a Roku receiver.
Open IR app in mobile, follow the instructions (differs from mobile models) and start using your mobile as remote control, in this case you need not buy a new roku remote.
I don’t want to buy a new ROKU Point-Anywhere remote, what to do?
Its simple, download the Roku App from the App Store or Google Play Store.
When and Where to get NEW replacement Roku Remote?
When to get NEW remote?
If the Roku remote is getting hot in operation (just touch it and you will know) then you should not use it for safety reasons.
Steps to follow for HOT remote – Cool down the remote by placing on a non-flammable surface, remove battries after cooling.
You can get new remote from official website Roku.com or buy low cost third-party compatible remotes which are called as Roku universal remote controls.
Buy Replacement Point-Anywhere WiFi Roku remote from Amazon
Buy Replacement IR – Infrared Roku remote from Amazon
DO NOT EVER TRY THESE METHODS to repair the Roku remote (or even any remote)
I have seen that people over internet jotted down stupid things which shall not be done in my opinion for SAFETY reasons, after all our life and body parts are much costlier than a price of remote control!
- Scrapping the circuit board – DO NOT DO
- People has told stories on opening the Roku IR remote and scrape down the circuit board to make it shiny below remote buttons
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