Need for USB Hub: There are several reasons today to have a USB hub connected to your laptop or even desktop.Data Transfer:One of the major reason is data transfer .... connecting more number of devices together like external HDD, Smart phones, Cameras , Printers, Scanners, Keyboard, Mouse, … [Read more...]
Focuspower F10 Mini vs SmartOmi Q5 Bluetooth Earbuds Comparison
Wireless earbuds are swiftly gaining popularity due to the convenience and functionality they offers. They are subsequently becoming popular among the individuals who are into sports & exercising activities. Essentially, these things get rid of the standard cables which could act as a barrier … [Read more...]
JBL Charge 2 plus Hands on Review | is it Worth the Price?
How I got the Speakers…For the last one week I have been at my Uncle’s house for a certain family program. But my Gadget geek sense makes me keep on looking for new gadgets and Technical stuffs around me.So when I reached here, I got my hands on the JBL Clip 2 bluetooth Waterproof Speaker … [Read more...]
Motorola Roadster 2 Vs Jabra Tour Bluetooth In-Car Speakerphone Comparison
Now a days, our lives becoming busier, we spend more time in our vehicles and phones than ever. Everyone seems to have a mobile phone and wants to stay in contact, so while you are driving people will call you at any time. At that time You have two choices, first you ignore the call and second you … [Read more...]
Are HBUDS H1 Better than Senso ActivBuds S-250? Hands on review
Senso is selling their ActivBuds S-250 really high ..19K Customer reviews!Yesss .... Senso ActivBuds S-250 scores whooping 19K customer reviews on Amazon !! Obviously they are en-cashing the Brand with some premium price.My Research on New Launches!You know that I always like to … [Read more...]
Best Headphone for Running, Exercising and the Gym – 2019
Athletes and people like me who love to do workout have always had a somewhat sweet relationship with headphones. Most of the people love bass pumping headphones to power their workout. If can be difficult to find a pair of headphone that sounds decent & also fit's in your budget. That's why … [Read more...]
TaoTronics TT-BH23 Bluetooth Neckband Style Headphone Review
TaoTronics is well-known brand for making budget friendly products without compromising on Quality. After the success of TaoTronics TT-BH18 Bluetooth 4.1 Earphone, here is the next Gen TaoTronics TT-BH23. This headphone is a major upgrade over its predecessor, in terms of sound quality, build & … [Read more...]
Best Leather Smart Cover for iPad Pro (Compared with Apple original)
While you get your brand new iPad Pro, its evident that you would looking for good protection for the iPad from any scratches and damages. Due to size and weight of iPad Pro say 10.5 inches, its necessary that you should get a rugged case providing complete protection for the front screen as well as … [Read more...]
TaoTronics TT BH20 VS Mpow M3 Wireless Bluetooth Headphones Review
It can be hard picking out the best pair of over-ear headphones from a wide range of options available out there. Each headphone offer a different combination of performance, features and value. And Finding a budget headphone that feels comfortable & also produces good sound is a challenging … [Read more...]
Best Leather Case for iPhone 7 Plus (Compared with Apple original)
Owning an Apple iPhone is symbol of status .... It gets further enhanced when you use a genuine leather cover providing it a perfect vintage look with latest tech gadget ... So here in this post we recommend you the Best Leather Case for iPhone 7 Plus.Perfection is Apple:Whats more important … [Read more...]